April 9, 2013 |
- . . . That’s what Kim Jong-un, the “supreme” leader of North Korea, needs.
- . . . It almost looks like he’s got a “hi-top fade,” the hairstyle that Christopher “Kid” Reid of rap duo Kid ‘n’ Play (appeared in movie “House Party, 1990”) had on his head back in the late 80s, early 90s during the New Jack Swing era.
- . . . It’s white sidewalls on the bottom, shaved down to the scalp, with all of the grass on top.
- . . . It looks like the sideburns are two inches above his ears.
- . . . What kind of barber cuts hair like that?
- . . . His father, Jong-il, had the same hairstyle. Must run in the family.
- . . . It’s got a punk rocker look to it.
- . . . I don’t get it.
- MY ANCHOR LOOKED DIFFERENT. Diane Sawyer wore glasses for much of last week on World News.
- . . . At first she had that trendy Warby Parker look -- bold, black, formerly nerdy but now fashionable eyewear.
- . . . She wore them well but they seemed a little oversized and they blocked the upper part of her baby blues a little; looked like they needed to be pushed up.
- . . . Another day of the week – actually two or so – she wore a more ovally style as opposed to the earlier geometrical ones.
- . . . I guess she was trying them out for the world to see.
- . . . Katie Couric occasionally exhibits her big, oversized nerd look.
- . . . People in TV often wear them to achieve more credence.
- The grow-out of Michelle Obama’s bangs didn’t take long. They’re gone already, as was seen in Rocsi Diaz’s interview with the first lady.
- . . . Who?
- . . . Rocsi Diaz . . . of “Entertainment Tonight,” of all people and places.
- . . . How’d she get such access?
- . . . Those Obamas . . . They’ll both become TV talk show hosts before long. They’re always on.
- . . . Someone on Twitter said she slobbered and fawned over Mrs. Obama.
- . . . That’s sort of an accurate description of what she did.
- . . . But then again, somebody’s always saying something about somebody on Twitter.
- . . . MO: “The bangs are a day-by-day proposition. They’re starting to grow out, getting a little irritating, but it’s okay. It’s okay. We’ll be good.”
- . . . ALSO ON E.T. . . . Michael Jackson’s kids.
- . . . Is it me or are they starting to look like their father?
- . . . I noticed it with Prince and Paris – not so much in Blanket.
- . . . Look for yourself and tell me if I’m off my rocker.
- REQUEST. Would somebody ask Debby Boone how much a “Lifestyle Lift” costs?
- . . . They never let the price be known in the TV commercial.
- . . . They make it seem so quick and easy.
- . . . Exactly how is it done?
- . . . Do they cut you or is it some magical procedure?
- . . . When you get it done are you ready light up someone’s life? Ha Ha Ha. (“You Light Up My Life” – Debby Boone, 1977 on Curb Records)
- “JURASSIC PARK” RETURNS. This time in 3-D.
- . . . I went to see it this weekend.
- . . . 3-D doesn’t amount to a hill of beans.
- . . . In one quick scene – just one – did it make me jump a little in my seat when a dinosaur’s head popped out of something?
- . . . The movie seems dated – the CGI effects, the acting, the editing.
- . . . If you saw it back in the day, keep the memory. You don’t need an update.
- ON THE INDSIDE OF MY ‘SNAPPLE’ BOTTLE CAP: “A chameleon shoots out its tongue to catch prey at speeds faster than a fighter jet.”
- . . . Somebody mention that to the GEICO gecko. Maybe he’ll shut up.
- McDonald’s now features the “McWrap” sandwich.
- . . . We could, however, do away with the commercials showing close-ups of those people that take long, luscious, scrumptious bites in slo-mo.
- . . . It turned me off.
- JUST WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS: A Facebook phone.
- Betty Nguyen, former overnight news anchor (“Up to the Minute”) and news reader on the “The CBS Morning News,” is now with MSNBC. (Before CBS she was with CNN.)
- . . . They move a lot in TV.
- . . . She’s been anchoring the “Early Today” news show lately.
- . . . A friend of mine has always been in love with her and has missed her from the airwaves so he must be ecstatic now that she has returned.
- Planet Fitness has a misspelling in their TV commercials, sorta.
- . . . They show on the screen that “No Lunks” (what’s a lunk?) are in our “Judgement-Free Zone.”
- . . . No “e” in judgment, although it is an alternate spelling – just not the one usually used.
- . . . And a “lunk,” apparently, is an awkward, heavy or stupid person, according to the Free Online Dictionary.
- . . . But the Urban Dictionary says it’s a word made up by Planet Fitness to describe one who “grunts, drops weights and judges” and reportedly the gym has an alarm that goes off when someone emits all those groans.
- “LIFE BEGINS AT FERTILIZATION” . . . Sounds factory-like. Can’t we say it better than that?
- LAY OFF . . . Hillary Clinton and whether she’s running in 2016 or not.
- . . . It’s a story frenzy made up by TV, print and web reporters, pundits and commentators to give them something to talk about and speculate on.
- . . . Put a lid on it.
- The opening for ABC’s “World News” looks like Legos.
- JUST ASKING. Why does NBC anchor Lester Holt pronounce his name like this: “I’m ‘Lesssss (slowly drawn out) –ter’” Holt when introducing himself?
- . . . Strange.
- . . . Just say it like it is without the affectation.
- THE NEW GEORGE HAMILTON?: Greg Louganis. The diver who coaches on ABC’s “Splash” reality show.
- . . . He better make sure his spray tan’s a strong one; it’ll wash off in all that water.
- . . . Maybe he’s a rep for the “George Hamilton Sun Care System.” Yes, there is one.
- Actress Tilda Swinton is sleeping in a glass box for people to see at a museum.
- . . . It’s “performance” art.
- . . . She’s doing it at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York and the name of the “exhibit” is “The Maybe.”
- . . . She’ll repeat the “performance” about six times this year but with no pre-announced schedule.
- . . . Why the mystery?
- . . . The “piece” was first performed by her in 1995 and she said in an interview then that it explored stillness and human faces that are absolutely expressionless.
- . . . Yep, she’s the right one to do that.
- . . . Did she snore?
- . . . How many times did she roll over?
- . . . Did she have pajamas on? (No)
- . . . Did she have to go to the bathroom?
- . . . UH . . . “She Came In Through the Bathroom Window” – The Great Joe Cocker, 1969, on A&M Records.
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