March 28, 2001


  1. . . . Yeah, it's still too cold. Me wanna shed winter duds
  2. NOTEWORTHY Ken Baker, , former ABC Newser and currently senior writer for Us magazine as written a revealing book about himself: Man Made: A Memoir of My Body. Between 15 and 27, he kept it secret about his lack of male development which turned out to be due to a tumor on his pituitary gland. A feature on Dateline about a month ago told his story; he did an internet discussion with the washingtonpost/Live Online today; and he's on Howard Stern tomorrow. It's serious and funny at times. Unusual story.
  3. Would somebody wipe that eternal smile off Julia Roberts' face? On second thought, scrape it off.
  4. . . .Her boyfriend/eternal escort, Benjamin Bratt, seems quite the gentleman. He helped her up on stage at the Oscars because she had trouble walking in that tent thing she had on. Think he lays down his handkerchief for her so she won't get her feet wet in a puddle?
  5. RE-LAUNCHED: Motown's official web site: It features Classic Motown and Motown Now. Well laid out with a good timeline, rare and never-before-seen photos and video, biographies, discographies and digital downloads of the music. Great.
  6. . . . "Wait, oh yes, wait a minute Mr. Postman ..."
  7. Someone said Kate Hudson looked like Barbara Mandrell at the Oscars.
  8. Jerry Seinfeld's American Express commercials are getting silly now. They're too elaborate and not simple enough. Overdone. His hair's cut down too.
  9. ALSO CUT DOWN: David Copperfield's hair.
  10. HOW YOU DOIN'? (Sopranos' version of Whassup!). Funny.
  11. Elizabeth Hurley's in everything. Last week she was in ABC's The Job, the Denis Leary show. She talks like she's got her mouth full of something.
  12. In every picture you see of Ellen Burstyn she looks like she saw God.
  13. DUMB: That guy in that Cingular Wireless commercial prancing around in a white t-shirt to Peter and The Wolf gets on my nerves. Who would do a stupid dance like that?
  14. Jamie Lee Curtis never looked better than in those VoiceStream commercials she does now.
  15. QUESTION. Does the local and national 411 now with-of course-James Earl Jones' voice on it, mean there aren't any operators in your local area that know the neighborhood? Is it all national? From one hub or something? I miss the old way. Now nobody knows any particular thing about any particular area.
  16. I hope Harry Winston doesn't get back all those diamonds he lent out to the "stars" for the Academy Awards. Let someone steal away with a few carats, cause some excitement.
  17. How many comebacks is Lionel Richie gonna have?
  18. Last week Kathleen Matthews stood in for hubby blabbermouth Chris Matthews on MSNBC's Hardball. She did a good job. Blabbering seems to run in the family.
  19. "All the leaves are brown and the sky is gray ..." California Dreamin'. (1966) John Phillips wrote and produced that and everything else his great group, The Mamas and the Papas, did. Back then, because of that song, everyone wanted to go out there.
  20. Mr. Big Stuff, our continuing Random Thoughts character, thought Puffy Combs' mother was his sister. (She does look pretty young.)
  21. Who's better looking at NBC/MSNBC? Campbell Brown or Norah O'Donnell?
  22. Simpsons' creator Matt Groening's on the cover of AARP's My Generation magazine. They're getting pretty slick now. Good look and layout and decent articles.
  23. Juliette Binoche looked like a flapper at the Oscars.
  24. So Washington's Channel 9 news anchor J.C. Hayward's donating her body to Howard University when she dies. Who's gonna wanna cut her up?
  25. Interesting Show. Taxicab Confessions, on HBO. The hackers induce unwitting passengers to talk and often it comes around to sex. Camera in the cab. All kinds of people and stories. It draws you in. One thing though, the camera's in such a position that it makes the driver look funny-like he's not driving. You don't see the wheel much. Odd.
  26. On the red carpet at the Oscars, new hairdo-ed Joan Rivers said Russell Crowe "came up to me, and he does not wear deodorant." Thought so. Looks scuzzy too.
  27. Who's that Granny woman sitting with Madonna in the car while she goes on the rampage in her latest music video?
  28. BENCHED . . . Claire Shipman. Until May 1. Then she'll show up on ABC for a reported $700,000 a year. Nice deal.
  29. Benicio Del Toro would make a good vampire.
  30. They did shoot Bob Dylan too close down in Australia for the Oscars. Was a bit weird but on the other hand it was sort of okay. Revealing in a way.
  31. . . . I couldn't understand a word he sang. But his acceptance speech was clear.
  32. Michael Jackson cries a lot.
  33. SAD AND DISGUSTING. Don't let me see anymore livestock marked and corralled for slaughter and funeral-pyred up. Seems like it's over-reaction to that European Union thing. Food's political I guess.
  34. Could actor Shemar Moore be any more buffed?
  35. One of webcast's anchors, Holly Weston, is visibly pregnant and plans to deliver the news until she delivers. They all start with clothes on and then strip down gradually. End up with just the microphone around their necks. Tight show budget?
  36. . . . So how's the show journalistically? Ha Ha Ha.
  37. That new Chris Isaak show might be a hit. With him and his real life bandmates (Silvertone) in it along with his real mom and guest stars like Minnie Driver, it's a quirky look at his life on and off the rock 'n' roll road. On Showtime.
  38. UH . . . Wicked Game-Chris Isaak on Reprise. 1991. Remember that video?


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